Thursday, September 26, 2019

Jobs of Managment Tranee officer and Talent Acittitilion AM/ DM (1) open

Talent Acittitilion AM/ DM (1)
* Candidata mast at least possess a
      bachelors degree In Hlt(xi■ai iscourio)
'a At least 5-7yeers relevant working
experience           recniitiment,Taleot Acquisition Completaly--based Interview. psych
astestinent of any validate tasks.
* Preferably a Reg►stered psychowietriciat (Rpm)
* One (01) Candidate Needed.
* Position based at Stalkot Pakistan.
     lntrested Applicants may send th ►r
comprehensive Rosana with recent photo
E—inisa us o.t  
MTO  Managment Trainee Officer
Candidate mast at least possess a
bachelors degree 4w ItitibliA HR/HPA HR/M
* Fresh Candidate are welltanie to apply
Three (05) Candidate Needed.


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